Athens Christian Reformed Church – A Brief History
The History of the Athens Christian Reformed Church began in 1953. During this time a group of families felt called to come together to establish a Christian Reformed Church for those living inane around the Athens Community. With the support of then Brockville CRC consistory, the first meeting was held on September 23,1953 in then Athens Town Hall. The group that came together was in favour of beginning a church in Athens and it was noted in the minutes  that, “By working together with God’s blessing it should become a fruitful congregation.

The 24 members present signed a request which was presented to Eastern Classis for approval, to organize a congregation in Athens. 

It was also noted that there was an immediate need and desire to begin providing church services locally. Arrangements were made for the Town Hall to be used for 2 church services each Sunday, at a cost of five dollars a meeting. 

The first Church Services were in Dutch.

Sunday School, Catechism Classes, Young People and Ladies Society were also in Dutch. Because of the lack of space, all of these activities and nursery were held in various members homes. 

On March 4, 1954, with the approval from Eastern Classis, a meeting was held to officially form the ‘Athens Christian Reformed Church’ .

Our new congregation needed to find permanent place to conduct our regulator church life. The Lord provided and we were able to purchase our first meeting place at 28 Main Street East for $10,000. 

In 1955, as the congregation grow rapidly through the Lord’s rich blessing, it became obvious that more room was needed. We were informed that the former Standard Church on Wellington Street was for sale. Though much work was needed to be don on then building it was agreed after many meetings  to purchase the church for $17,500.

By 1957 the congregation was adapting to the new language – English. Morning services were held in English and afternoon services were held in Dutch. By 1967 all services were held in English. 

At this time the Athens Christian School Society was planning to build and were in need of financial assistance. Arrangements were made with the church to construct the foundation on which the school was to be built. With this arrangement we now had meeting rooms and use of then school building for various church functions. 

In 1981 extensive repair work was done to the church steeple due to that effects of time. Ten years later during an afternoon service on May 13, 1991, lightning struck the Steeple causing extensive damage to the organ, and the this electrical and sound systems. No one was injured although some nerves were rattled!

In 2004 to accommodate the need of more space, the new addition with a new foyer, fellowship hall, kitchen and Sunday school rooms where built.

As of 2016 we are a congregation blessed with a diverse age spread: infant, young children, teens, youth, young families, older families and seniors.  We have active Sunday school, Gems Girls Club, Cadets Boys Club, youth group and Catechism classes, Bible studies, Coffee Break for Women and Next Level Mens Ministries. We reach out to the community with these mission programs. They are lead by dedicated passionate people who love God and have a desire to share their faith with fun, fellowship and teaching.  

Charter Members 1954
Pete Barnhoorn
Gerrit DeJong
Pieter Harmsma
Gerrit Jan Reuvers
Dirk Sytsma
Jelle Feenstra
Dick Hilberdink
Herke Raukema
Case Verbruggen
Julle Beerda
Wiebe DeJong
Herman Kloosterman
Doede Schaafsma
Dirk DeVries
Auke Gringhuis
Bill Hofing
Jake Smit
Harm VanderWeide
Johannes Bouwers
Klaas Dijkema
Cor Kuipers
John Seffinga
Jan Dullemond
Jake Gringhuis
Harm Meppeler
Rien VanStrien
Cor Bouwers
Jacob Frans
Bert Oosterhof
Folkert Smid
Ben Elfrink
Arnold Hein
Albert Meyer
John VanderMolen
Single Members
Gerbrand VanWeerden
Dick Schaafsma
Renze Terpstra