Ministries and Programs 
Sunday Service times
  • 10:30 AM – September thru May
  • 10:00 AM – June thru August. 
  • Note exception – Labour Day Weekend – service at 10:00 AM
Sunday School
9:30 AM all ages
10:30 AM Pre K to Grade 3
Sunday School
  • September – May
  • 9:30 AM- Pre K-Grade 3, Grade 4-5, Grade 6-8, Grades 9-10, Grades 11-12, Adult Study. (Currently no 4-5 class, Oct 2021).
  • 10:30 AM- Children Pre K to Grade 3 attend the service with their parents and part way through leave with the teachers.
Sunday school activities include singing, games, bible stories, drama and crafts. Our curriculum is engaging and fun with opportunities for all types of learners (tactile, kinesthetic, auditory, artistic, musical )
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Women’s Coffee Break
  • September – May
  • Child care provided
  • We chose the name “Coffee Break” to express the relaxed atmosphere in which friends can take time to discuss and discover life together.
  • Coffee Break is an evangelism and discipleship approach that connects both believers and seekers to the Bible, leading to transformed lives:
    • Small Groups Coffee Break small groups create safe places where friends read and learn together what the Bible says and means. Life change occurs as group members explore and live out what they learn.
    • Evangelistic Focus The evangelistic effectiveness of Coffee Break is deeply rooted in prayer, caring relationships, and reading the Bible. In this environment the Holy Spirit draws people into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ.
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Youth Group
  • September – June
  • Youth Group is a program at the Athens CRC that provides Youth age 14 and up with an opportunity to hang out with friends and youth of the same age in a safe environment were they can be themselves without adults or other youth making them feel uncomfortable. We provide a time of just socializing, a time to talk about upcoming events, a short impactful message usually using media such as videos, a time of games as well as snack. There is always time for youth to share what is on their heart with others, in private, through Facebook  messaging or in a group time for those who wish to stay for an extra hour after Youth is done. A Facebook page is also used to keep everyone informed about what is happening. We offer fun events, game nights and outings as well. Come on out and join us, we are sure you won’t be disappointed.
7:00 – 9:00PM
Gems Girls Club 
  • October – April
  • It’s not easy to be a girl today, there are many cultural pressures, expectations, and so much more. We want girls to feel empowered, confident, secure and loved. GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Do you know a girl between grade 3 and Grade 8? Does that girl want to have fun every Thursday night with other girls their age? Do they wish to learn and grow in their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through small and large group Bible study? Do they enjoy playing games? Would they like to learn about a number of different topics, including completing badgework on topics including baking, cooking, sewing, scrapbooking, camping, childcare, caring for animals, hiking, relationships and so much more? Athens CRC GEMS club runs October through April every Thursday night from 7-9 pm at Athens Christian Reformed Church. All girls welcome! If your daughter already attends, ask her to invite a friend!
    For more information, please leave a message at the church (613-924-9381) and the head councillor will get back to you!
7:00 – 9:00 PM
  • October – April
  • For boys Grades 4 to 8
  • The Calvinist Cadet Corps or Cadets is an independent (non-denominational) youth ministry organization whose purpose is to provide the local church with a ministry program that will enable the counsellors to effectively share Christ’s love with boys through badges like, camping, archery, woodworking ,model rocketry, baking, and many, many more, in all 124 badges. Founded in 1952, the Corps has more than 600 clubs throughout North America and “brother clubs” in Australia and New Zealand. We are also reaching out to boys in Africa with clubs in Kenya and Uganda. “Calvinist” means that God is in all parts of our lives not just on Sunday.
    We meet every Thursday night from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. from October to April. 

We have events like:

  • Cadet Floor Hockey Tournament
  • Snow Derby — Teams of boys pack their supplies on a sled and compete against each other and the elements in skills like fire-building, tent set up, compass reading or GPS, knots and lashing, obstacle course, cliff rescue, and first aid, by pulling a sled thought course.
  • Cadet-O-Rama — at the end of the year in this event we display the crafts, activities and Badges of the clubs.
  • Model Car Derby — Often combined with Cadet-O-Rama — it is an event where the boys construct race cars out of blocks of wood and place them on a sloping track to see whose car will do the best job at harnessing gravity. Prizes are awarded for speed and appearance.